As a parent, it’s hard to prioritize our mental and physical health. However, if we don’t, we are likely to experience burnout at least once during our parenting years.
If you need to give yourself permission to assess yourself for signs of burnout, think of yourself as a healthy role model for your children: You want them to avoid burnout, so if you are vigilant for the signs, they will be too. In another article, I mentioned the signs to look out for. Very briefly, these can include irritation, exhaustion, a lack of motivation, and a loss of interest in things in the things you once enjoyed. If you do suspect burnout, it is of no surprise. You have likely parented through a pandemic, and technology poses its own challenges. For example, our parents never had to endure the constant social media updates, where different approaches to parenting are compared and contrasted at the speed of light. Give yourself permission to focus on your own values, as those will guide your own unique approach to parenting. Also give yourself a chance to enjoy the quality of parenting rather than the quantity. And finally, it is important that your children feel the edge of your boundaries. That way, they will learn how to skillfully manage situations where they have to say “no,” “not right now,” or even “I can’t do that, but I can offer this.” When it comes to mental health, I’m sure your kids will be fine. After all, they are benefiting from a wealth of research from neuroscientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. But what about you? Now is the time to reverse the learning process and look our for ways that you can look after your mental health, as, I am sure, they are already about learning about at school. If you need to talk to a professional about burnout, you make contact via this page. Chris Warren-Dickins Psychotherapist & Author in Ridgewood, New Jersey Comments are closed.