Studies show that burnout can thin the gray matter of your prefrontal cortex (you need this part of your brain to reason and make decisions), and it can enlarge the amygdala (the brain’s alarm system). As a result, you can end up producing more stress hormones which can damage blood vessels and arteries and raise your blood pressure.
Burnout has a significant impact on your concentration, which can threaten your work and home life. There is a vicious cycle produced by this because you can end up spending longer on tasks, which can intensify the symptoms of burnout, because you have less time for rest and relaxation. With low self-esteem, you are less likely to enforce boundaries that might prevent burnout. For example, you end up doing more for someone because you believe your value is conditional on pleasing them. Studies show that low self-esteem can lead to higher rates of depression and anxiety. Burnout has a negative impact on motivation, which in turn can increase the likelihood of depression, leading to a negative impact on personal relationships. If you need to talk to a professional about burnout, you can reach out via this contact page. Comments are closed.